Fuel Pulse Show | Bell Performance

Episode 005 - Diesel Dialysis with Brian Hartley (Part 2)

Written by Erik Bjornstad | Apr 30, 2022 4:37:44 PM

Today we are continuing our conversation with Brian Hartley, owner of Diesel Dialysis. Last week we talked about how fuel maintenance has changed from the way it was in the past and the real reasons people get suspicious of the professionals within the fuel industry. In this episode, we will be diving deep into the topic of good fuel sampling and why test results are only as good as the sample that you have.
Listen in as Brian shares why it is so hard to solve microbe issues in storage and generator tanks. We will talk about the biggest issue plaguing the industry (and how to avoid it), when you should be hesitant to hire a specific fuel service professional, and how to check the legitimacy of a fuel professional.

Listen to the Full Episode:

What You'll Learn:

  • What separates a good fuel polisher from a bad one.
  • The most important thing to do to avoid fuel tank erosion.
  • How to avoid the biggest issue plaguing the industry.
  • The importance of good fuel sampling.
  • Where you should be taking samples from.
  • How to check the legitimacy of your fuel professional.
  • How to prevent problems from arising with your fuel tank.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

“It’s important to sample from the right places. If you can pull bottom samples and they are clean and clear and all the tests passed, then you can reasonably say that all the fuel above that will be as good or better.” - Brian Hartley

“Majority of tank failures are not from outside the tank, but from inside.” - Brian Hartley

“If [a fuel professional] isn’t willing to give you the contact details of any of their other customers, [don’t hire them].” - Brian Hartley
